We need to move from ‘business as usual’ to ‘business unusual’ if we are to have any chance of achieving the #GlobalGoals. We must act with far greater urgency.
– Paul Polman
Our house is on fire
UBQ Materials has joined the Net Zero 2030 movement, declaring a climate emergency and setting a roadmap for immediate carbon reduction.
The Net Zero 2030 movement positions UBQ to demonstrate its commitments by participating in the most aggressive climate action effort. We believe it would be a breach of our duties as executives of the company and custodians of our stakeholders’ interests to sit back and ignore the reality in front of us in a time of crucial importance.
There are no passengers on planet earth. We are all crew.
Marshall McLuhan
A community of changemakers
UBQ is a Certified B Corporation. We are part of the global community of businesses that meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and legal accountability. Over 3,000 B Corps in the world, hailing from more than 70 countries and 150 industries, are harnessing the power of business to solve major social and environmental challenges facing the world today, including the climate crisis.
The B Corporation movement is about leadership. All B Corporations sign a Declaration of Interdependence stating the belief that “all business ought to be conducted as if people and place mattered. . . . and thus we are responsible for each other and future generations. As part of the B Corp Climate Collective, we are working together to take action on the climate emergency. We recognize the unique and powerful role that we play as purpose-driven businesses to reverse climate change.
So, you could call me optimistic and hopeful and probably just a little bit naïve, but I’m coming from the space that the best way to predict the future is to get out there and do it yourself.
John Elkington
Actions speak louder than words
A climate emergency declaration is just the beginning. UBQ has mapped a framework of action to guide its business in the upcoming years.
This roadmap includes:
- Committing to carbon neutrality before 2030, with realistic interim milestones along the journey, including science-based targets and timely reporting our progress.
- Adjusting our business model and the company’s short, medium and long-term strategy to align with Certified B Corporation and Net Zero 2030 commitments.
- Embracing the principles of ‘just transition’ in UBQ’s operations, which take into account people who will be implicated in this Declaration. This includes the impact of UBQ’s actions on our stakeholders– shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers and the communities in which we operate.
Never has science around the world been so abundant to meet the challenges that we have.
Emmanuel Macron
Making the planet a little greener, one product at a time.
UBQ™ is a bio-based, climate positive, and recyclable material that can replace conventional plastics in the manufacturing of everyday products.
What does this have to do with climate change?
UBQ™ is made from unsorted household waste – everything from chicken bones and dirty diapers to banana peels, paper and mixed plastics. By diverting this landfill-destined waste, UBQ™ prevents the emission of methane, ground water leakage and other environmental harms. Every ton of UBQ™ produced prevents 11.7 tons of CO2eq from polluting our planet. Life Cycle Assessment auditors Quantis designated UBQ™ as “The Most Climate Positive Thermoplastic Material on the Market”.
Defining the circular economy in a recent white paper, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation identified three core tenets:
- Design out waste and pollution
- Keep products safe and materials in use
- Regenerate natural systems
The UBQ™ proprietary waste conversion process is a target technology in the constellation and definition of how we see the circular economy going from theory to practice. UBQ has the potential to not only address the waste epidemic, valorizing waste so it does not pollute — it also provides a renewable material for the global trade market. UBQ has found a viable solution to feed the growing market demand of materials while emptying landfills and saving finite natural resources for future generations.
Although the magnitude of climate change may make individuals feel helpless, individual action is critical for meaningful change.
Mia Armstrong
A long road ahead
With this Declaration, UBQ Materials recognizes that the climate emergency requires immediate and radical action. We hope that this public commitment encourages our peers, colleagues and industry partners to take their actions that will positively contribute to the well-being of our planet and society.
It’s time to act boldly and urgently. Join us!
Resources & Tools:
- B Corp – B Impact Assessment
- B Corp Climate Collective – Climate Action Guide
- Ceres – The Ceres Roadmap for Sustainability
- Carbon Trust – Carbon Footprinting Guide
- Climate Neutral – Climate Neutral Certification
- Science Based Targets – Set a Target
Further reading:
- UNGC – The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact
- Protect Our Winters CEO Alliance – Why CEOS Should Speak Out on Climate
- Project Drawdown – Summary of Solutions by Overall Rank
- U.N. – Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action
- Pope Francis – Encyclical Letter Laudato Si Of the Holy Father Francis on Care for Our Common Home
- IPCC – Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5°C
- We Are Still In – Major Companies Voice Their Commitment to the Paris Agreement
- Data for Progress – A Green New Deal: A Progressive Vision for Environmental Sustainability and Economic Stability, Policy Report