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Easy Ways to Prevent Food Waste and Related Emissions

      13 Apr 2023

Food waste is a growing problem in the world today, with an estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of food being wasted each year. That means almost one-third of all food produced is either lost or wasted, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

The Impact of Food Waste on the Climate Crisis

Food waste is a particularly concerning issue when considering the impact on the environment, given that food waste generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in terms of its warming potential.


According to a recent study, the global food system emits around one-third of total annual greenhouse gas emissions and food waste causes approximately half of this. The environmental impact of this waste is significant, making it one of the largest contributors to the climate crisis.

Effective Solutions for Reducing Food Waste

In today’s rapidly growing global population, the efficient use of resources is more crucial than ever. With millions of people facing food insecurity, it is our collective responsibility to minimize waste and optimize the consumption of the world’s resources.


Composting is a process where organic waste is converted into nutrient-rich soil. This can be done in a backyard compost bin or through municipal composting programs.

Food donation

Food banks and charitable organizations accept donations of unused, unspoiled food to distribute to those in need.

Food storage

Proper food storage, such as keeping food at the correct temperature and in airtight containers, can help to extend its shelf life.

Meal planning

Planning meals in advance and buying only what is needed can help to reduce food waste.

Food waste audits

Businesses can conduct food waste audits to identify where waste is occurring and take steps to reduce it.

Sustainable packaging

Using sustainable packaging materials can help to reduce the environmental impact of food waste.

Food waste legislation

Government policies and regulations can help to reduce food waste by encouraging businesses to take action and setting targets for waste reduction.


Food sharing apps such as Olio and Too Good To Go connect individuals and businesses with surplus food to those who can use it.

UBQ Materials

UBQ is a company that converts all household waste destined to landfill or incineration, including organics like food waste, into a sustainable plastic substitute. This climate-positive thermoplastic material is used to create sustainable products.

UBQ Helps Tackle the Food Waste Crisis

UBQ is taking action to prevent food waste from being sent to landfill or incinerators by converting all municipal solid waste, including food scraps and mixed plastics, into a sustainable material. By doing so, UBQ is preventing this waste from being sent to landfill or incinerators, which are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Landfills, for example, are responsible for about 11% of global methane emissions, and incinerators generate carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants.


UBQ’s process not only helps to prevent food waste but also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the need for virgin materials.


Every ton of UBQ™ produced diverts 1.3 tons of waste from landfill and incineration and prevents up to 11.7 tons of CO2eq.

It’s Time to Take Action

UBQ’s positive impact in preventing food waste and its related emissions depends on partnership scalability and expansion efforts. We have partnered with businesses and organizations in various industries to expand the use of our innovative waste-to-material technology.


Notable partnerships include McDonalds, PepsiCo, ABinBev, Rimax, Merecedes-Benz, and more. In addition to partnerships, UBQ has also been expanding its operations to other countries, including the Netherlands. The expansion to the Netherlands is just one example of UBQ’s efforts to bring its technology to new markets and create a more sustainable future. UBQ plans to expand to other countries around the world.


In addition to UBQ’s efforts, there are other organizations and initiatives that are also working to reduce food waste and its impact on the environment.


The impact of food waste on the environment is significant, and it is important that we take action to prevent it with scalable and available solutions.


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