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UBQ on Business Insider

Business Insider gets an exclusive tour of the UBQ Facility in Tze’elim, Israel.

      30 Jul 2020

July 30, 2020: In a special video segment titled “The Quest for the Perfect Plastic”, Samara Abramson and Amelia Kosciulek of Business Insider take an exclusive tour of the UBQ facility in Tze’elim, Israel.

Abramson and Kosciulek perfectly describe how UBQ Materials takes household waste, shreds it, grinds it into a confetti-like material, melts it into a spaghetti, and then chops it up into pellets. These pellets are shipped off to plastic manufacturers who can then mix them with regular plastic pellets to create climate-positive products.

Sounds simple, right? However, later on in the interview, John Elkington, a world authority on sustainability and a senior member of UBQ’s advisory board, says that UBQ “sounds like magic and looks like magic, but it’s essentially a quite sophisticated technology”.

Read the full article here.

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